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Sappho Intl (Songs of Silk Book 1) Page 4

  I proceeded to place the keys into my pocket. Then I sat back and smiled while Flourish beamed with a twinkle in her eyes and proclaimed. “Good! Because we would’ve had to drug you to erase your memory if you didn’t.”

  “Awesome! Wait what?”

  “Okay bad joke.”

  “That was a joke right?”

  “I’m just joking, Silk. We don’t employ any type of ‘conspiracy theorists’ methods of ensuring that our secrets are kept. Most members stay willingly and the few that leave simply feel that our secrets are not that believable to go public. There’s just not enough evidence to support hearsay.”

  “Okay cool, cuz you had me sweatin’ there for a second.”

  “Lastly, there are three general decrees within Sappho Intl. The first decree is the most important. You may make love but do not fall IN love. This applies to clients, our staff, femme and stud crowns, and stallions. We are in the business of pleasure and allowing oneself to fall for a client or another staff member can be detrimental and dangerous on so many levels. If pleasure can be a drug, then falling in love can be the ultimate overdose within an organization like ours—it becomes just too messy and personal. So keep it strictly professional.”

  “The second decree, for obvious reasons, is to maintain privacy and confidentiality for our clients at all costs.”

  “And the third decree is that Sappho Intl will not tolerate any activity that places us or any member of the Sapphic Trust under unnecessary scrutiny or degrades our worth to our clients in any way. We have a no tolerance policy when it comes to illegal activities such as violence, drug activities and thievery. Any exhibition of these activities is dealt with internally and can result in a termination of employment and banishment from our organization. It may also result in immediate cooperation with the appropriate in-house international officials.”

  “Sappho Intl has never really had to deal with anyone breaking these decrees but they always remain in the back of everyone’s minds. Sappho Intl does not consider marijuana as a hard drug and on some occasions, such as Cloud9, I’ve even seen casual drugs, such as very, very small amounts of cocaine or pills, having been supplied to some of our clients; but it’s not frowned upon as long as it remains casual and does not leave the premises.”

  “On some occasions, a client may have a request to enjoy the company of a member of our staff that they may favor. Paid house calls and personal calls are permitted by stallions, femme and stud crowns as long as you remain on your best behavior. And when you’re not working, you’re free to do anything that you wish on your own time, as long as you remain a pristine reflection of Sappho Intl. The rules and itinerary of Cloud9 will be explained more in detail right before the event, by PrimaDonna or me. She will also be checking up on you during the grooming process and coronation.”

  Flourish finally closed the folder and exclaimed,” And I think that’s about it.”

  She summarized,” Love the love we make and make the love we love. Enjoy the power of a woman, and you’ll go a long way, Silk. Trust me.”

  Flourish placed the folder back into the slim, executive briefcase. She turned and pressed a button that caused a song, by what sounded like Rihanna, to flow through the jet’s audio system and fill the cabin.

  Then without notice she added,” …and since pleasure IS our business, let’s get back to it.”

  She placed her fingers around my head, leaned in and allowed her tongue to open my mouth passionately, like she’d been waiting and needing to explore my lips since we entered the jet.

  And as her tongue formally met mine, the taste of mint laced my senses, as I breathed her essence inside of me. My hands began to move, without instruction, to her hips and I was hypnotized by the unexpected guise that currently held my mind fully capsized. Fire crept up my legs and my heart beat just a tad faster, as it seemed that in addition to Sappho Intl, I was quickly becoming a member of the mile-high club.

  My hands now held a life of their own, as they began to assist with removing her tucked button-down blouse from the shackles of her denim jeans—since her own hands were busy pulling at my own mane in desperation.

  I unfastened her jeans. And as soon as her shirt was released, my hands led me to blindly scale breasts of mountainous ecstasy. I placed my palm to climb her nipple’s peak, as they were now standing with a steep rigidity and calling me to meet its summit.

  She was bra-less and on fire. And my hand began to cup and caress her voluptuous bosom, like the sculptor forms the clay.

  And as her breast felt the tenderness of my hands, it seemed a signal was sent to trigger her own digits to become magnetized to the silk button-down shirt that draped her and to quickly un-button every single button.

  I would wait and my patience would be rewarded as she presented her neckline to me. I traced and pressed my lips to the pulse of her throat, as I applied a coat of ecstasy to her lifeline. The aroma of her flesh hinted of fresh orange oil and tasted like sweet caramel. And I relished every inch and every morsel, while her fingers quickened their un-fastening motions. Her body faintly quivered as she moaned and finally, like the magic of Christmas morning, her blouse became opened. And like the first, shiny gift that had been waiting all season to be unwrapped, we were both enveloped in a state of bliss.

  I would devour Flourish.

  It was immediately evident that her name suited her perfectly, as half of her golden body and shoulder was covered with a beautifully, burgeoning swirl and flourish tattoo. It was exotic and her erotic breasts called out to me to add my own curls and bursts. I would submit my own design, as her divine and hardened nipples urged me to taste them, like the quill feather does to its inkwell. And the moans that escaped her were the testament that her destiny was written with the nimble stroke of my tongue’s pen.

  I was melting inside myself, to the smolder of her body’s heat and wanted to know if she was as wet as I was. And as if she had read my mind, she boldly unzipped her jeans and softly straddled me.

  Flourish was audacious and the intense heat of her now-neon eyes commanded me to slip inside for a small dip between her strong Portuguese legs. I would obey by tracing my finger’s tips along the borders of her purple, lace panties, while my mouth sucked from cupped and supple breasts, as her faultless body arched to the heavens.

  Turbulence began to claim us and we suddenly felt the jet’s shake and shudder, which only made Flourish clench and tug at my hair harder.

  She moaned in pure bliss and tickled my ears with a slight Portuguese accent,” Oh, Silk. I am so happy that you came.”

  Her genuine appreciation would blow and balloon the lips between my own legs to tingle and throb.

  I wanted more of Flourish. And though the turbulence would continue to jolt the cabin of the jet—we would not be deterred.

  Flourish rocked in my lap with sudden urgency. Her body was calling my fingers to slide inside of her, but I had an unavoidable tendency to torture and play with a beautiful woman. So I paused and instead continued to slither teasingly between the lace and her soft caramel skin; until she grabbed my wrist with overwhelming authority and slid my fingers between her straddled legs, to slip into the moist treasure that had been waiting to be discovered.

  She immediately writhed with pleasure, as her hips began to release the building heat that had been restrained; and I peered into her, as she began to grind in time with a point finger that had curled and directed its way through the heated halls of her body’s temple and cleverly ran circles along the walls that held the fire of her belly. With every flick of my wrist, it seemed that her foreign tongue was finding its way back into her throat, as she cursed exotically, in between produced moans of satisfaction.

  Flourish smiled and reveled in the fact that I was as much a freak as she was. She delighted in the fact that she didn’t have to waste time and precious energy on persuasion—and right now she was yearning for more of me.

  She ran her tongue over her lip and squinted, as she’d begu
n to roll forward to ride and grind me wildly. And then suddenly, as though she had just made a discovery, she began to slow her pace.

  Flourish instinctively led me backward into my seat and began to run her hands over the lap of my jeans to find something very hard inside.

  She looked at me and instantly grinned a devious, half smile.

  Flourish rocked forward and whispered in my ear with a hint of seduction.

  ”I knew that I could feel something poking me. Is this what I think this is?”

  “I’m a stud—so you know I stay strapped. You feel me?” I announced with utter confidence and drunk with the lust that built ferociously with the steam that had now formed on the windows of the cabin.

  She nibbled on my ear tenderly and curled her toes into my knees, as she whispered.

  ”Oh, I feel you! Silk….You’re a freak! And I love freaks…”

  She began again to ride me salaciously and proclaim breathlessly.

  “Most women love toys....I love a stud that’s secure enough to provide the toys that women love the most…You’re a bad, bad boi…and that always turns me on, Silk.”

  With that she had again propped her feet on my knees, leaned back slightly, and began to eagerly pull and slide my fingers through her river’s canal. Her body sat perched in earnest and fervently receiving my fingers’ pointed penetration, as her universe continued to expand. And like a juicer to a sliced and open orange, I had her wrapped around my fingers and gushing; and as the pressure began to build within the cabin, so did the pounding of my palms against her mound, to pulp and wring the citrus fruit. Her moans increased. And with the quickening of my stroke’s vibrations, I maintained to rub her the right way.

  I was sure that she would soon cum and drain, as I sustained my stroke’s persistence.

  But it was then that the plane began to swiftly descend and the cabin began to quickly slant and slope.

  I stopped abruptly, as we began to clutch each other tightly to keep from tumbling over. We both looked at each other and began to giggle in unison. It was crystal clear that we were in the midst of landing, prior to her grand ascension.

  “Oh, I can’t believe we’re landing, already…” whispered Flourish amidst smiles and random kisses. “Don’t worry, Silk. THIS—will be continued…”

  She slid off my lap. And I slipped my middle finger into my mouth to lick her wetness from it slowly, as she stared.

  “Mmh…Flourish, you taste like sweet, Florida oranges…and the sweetest Florida mangoes.”

  Flourish shuddered, as she fumbled with her buttons.

  “Oh my God, Silk. You and I are gonna have plenty of fun together.”

  She shook her head in frustration that she was not able to finish. But she quickly composed herself and stood to head to the lavatory to freshen up.

  And I smiled deeply, as I began to see the beautifully lined palm trees that surrounded the air strip.

  Flourish quickly returned and handled herself with an admirable level of professionalism, as she quickly concluded my brief.

  “The town car will lead you to your condo on South Beach. You will enter the lobby and take the elevator to the top floor to the penthouse level. Oh, I almost forgot!” She went back into her briefcase. “Here’s the itinerary for the next few days which has the name of the condo and contact information, as well as the parking number that the Cayenne is located. I already gave you the keys to your vehicle and penthouse. Get plenty of sleep tonight because we have a long day tomorrow.”

  She kissed me quickly and headed back into the bathroom.

  But not before she turned around midway and added,” Oh yeah, Silk, one more thing…welcome home.”

  She winked and kept going.

  I gathered my things and stretched as the jet rolled to a slow halt.

  I exited the cabin and stood at the top of the stairs to inhale the warm beach air of the city that I was raised.

  I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and while casually placing my dark aviator shades back on, I said to myself, ”Welcome to Miami, indeed! And what a way to return….Buckle your seatbelt, Silk, this is gonna be one helluva ride.”


  The faint sound of panting followed by deep gulps of water replaced the smooth purr of the Cayenne’s engine, as Flourish slid into the cream leather seat next to me and shut the door. Flourish had just finished her kickboxing class at the South Beach Gym and was all smiles, as she was now hydrating and quenching her thirst.

  As we headed towards Washington Avenue to get some after workout smoothies, she lightly dabbed at the beads of sweat that formed on her forehead. I turned the air conditioning up slightly to allow her to cool down. Her nipples began to harden through the pink, athletic sports bra which was riddled with sweat and a testament to the intensity of her workout.

  My own internal engine had been operating all day at 100 miles per hour and running from the day’s events. I would count my lucky stars that I took Flourishes advice yesterday and slept nearly all day instead of partying on the strip.

  After I arrived in Miami and nestled into my gorgeous South Beach penthouse yesterday, I slept like a log in the beautiful king-sized cocoon bed in the master bedroom that was provided. I woke up to the sounds of salsa and club music mixed with the ocean tide in the distance and decided to go downstairs only to get some dinner, before I would crash again. It seems that my own brand of hibernation would be the prescription necessary to shake off the haze of exhaustion that had built up over the last 48 hours.

  However, before turning it in for the night, I decided to take a small moment to appreciate the luxury that surrounded me. As my bare feet slapped across the Italian ceramic tiles toward the kitchen to pour a glass of Chardonnay wine, I marveled at the granite countertops and stainless steel kitchen furnishings. Then I decided to take a brief moment to familiarize myself with the audio system, as well as the mounted 70 inch flat screen that hung before me. After playing with the remote controls for a while, I walked up the winding stairs to the rooftop terrace and peered over the railing into the clear, black night. I closed my eyes and absorbed the ocean breeze and immediately shed a joy-filled tear that I had been afforded this opportunity. I remember even now how I was filled with utter appreciation, as the breeze lifted the locks of my hair off of my back; and I continued to shed tears underneath the crescent moon, as my mind, body and soul was consumed with tremendous gratitude.

  Filled with overwhelming joy and sheer relief, I found myself going back inside and falling back into the cherry red, chaise sectional. I began to sob and laugh at the same time, because I couldn’t help but to think that I had to have been one of the luckiest studs to have a second chance at life like this. I also tried to remember the last time that I had cried like that and could never remember having a chance to release all of the pain that had been bottled up inside of me, since the death of my parents and the assault of my aunt.

  After looking at the ceiling for a minute in reflection, I thanked the universe again and then headed back to the room and lifted the soft, white, Egyptian sheets over me and slept like a newborn baby.

  It’d been one of the most soothing and restful nights that I’d ever encountered.

  And the productivity of this morning was proof that the serenity of the night’s sleep had paid off well.

  Today, unlike yesterday, was all business. I looked in the mirror upon awaking before dawn and vowed to myself that today would be the reason that I made the big bucks—and I committed myself to make every cent count.

  It began with my usual early morning Egyptian fire breathing and tantric meditation—except for the fact that today I was able to enjoy it on the large, private balcony, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with the seagulls and the sounds of the tide to keep me company. The balcony was larger than my whole apartment back in Atlanta and even included a private infinity pool.

  I would begin the day in divine balance and a sound mind, body and soul. And upon completion I would be r
eady to absorb whatever was required of me for the day.

  I received a courtesy call from Flourish shortly thereafter to be prepared around late morning to meet and spend the day with Lourdes, whom was my regional accountant. So I promptly, went down stairs to throw around the weights for a little bit in the fitness center, carry out a round of Pilates, and then complete a brisk run on the beach to work off the Cuban steak with black beans and Cuban rice that I’d indulged in for my first night back home, late last night. After a nice soak in the luxurious whirlpool tub and throwing on some comfortable cargo shorts and a casual tee, I received a call that they were downstairs in the lobby.

  As I rode the elevator down, with the keys to the Cayenne in my hand, there was an air of anticipation and enthusiasm flowing through my blood.

  Today was a new beginning for me and would be the first day of the rest of my life.

  The elevator bell rang and the door opened, as if announcing my presence, and Flourish and Lourdes immediately greeted me with smiles.

  They both stood from the Miami deco seats in the lobby and Flourish saluted me with a hug and said,” Lourdes this is Silk. Silk, this is the one and only Lourdes—he is our honorary Sapphian. Miami regional accountant and Grande Madame.”

  I shook his hands which were soft and meek in comparison to my own.

  “You mean ‘the Grand-est Madame’ Flourish,” Lourdes beamed.

  “And it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Silk. I’ve heard so many great things about you and you’ve already lived up to my every expectation. You are unequivocally the most handsome stud that I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  He sized me up from head to toe, as I replied, “The pleasure’s all mine.”

  They both blushed and laughed as though they were schoolgirls that were sharing an inside joke and I was the clueless boi that they were crushing.

  I looked at them and asked. ”What?”

  Lourdes took one of my arms and Flourish took the other, as we headed together towards the parking garage. And they began to chat as though I had mysteriously disappeared, despite the fact that I towered over both of their much shorter frames.