Sappho Intl (Songs of Silk Book 1) Read online

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  “Flourish, girl, I swear, he looks even more gorgeous in person than you guys described. Like a god has graced us with his presence. We will have so much fun shopping. And I will have so much fun un-dressing…. I mean dressing this one.”

  Flourish laughed.

  “I told you! But we’re gonna have to get her out of these cargo shorts first though.”

  “Hey, these are comfortable.”

  They giggled and kept chatting.

  “You know I’m on the case like Charlie’s Angels, Flourish. We’ll meet up with you in about four or five hours. That should give you enough time to do what you gotta do and give me enough time to create the whole wardrobe.”

  “Okay girl, smooches!”


  Flourish now spoke to me as though I’d magically re-appeared, as we all stood in front of the royal, blue Porsche.

  “Okay, sweetie, Lourdes is gonna take you to buy your new gear. Trust me, Silk he’s all bark but no bite. He’s gonna take good care of you with one swipe of the company’s Black Card. Pay no attention to the drooling—he flirts with everyone. I have to go catch my Pilates and kickboxing classes and you guys will pick me up mid-afternoon. Alright?”

  I de-activated the alarm and unlocked the door.

  ”That’s cool.”

  ”Okay, I’ll see you later and you guys have fun.”

  Flourish winked at me from afar.

  ”Flourish, I may not come back with this one!”

  Lourdes yelled from the other side.

  “No kidnapping, Lourdes!”

  They both laughed as he slid into the seat next to me.

  I smiled and pushed the button to start the Cayenne’s engine.

  “Alright, we’re going to Aventura Mall, sweetie.”

  If Lourdes wasn’t such a cutie, I probably would’ve been a little more offended and very uncomfortable. But Lourdes was nothing like I expected and everything I expected at the same time.

  As an honorary Sapphian, he was fabulous and internationally chic, which was what I anticipated when Flourish told me that he would be performing at the SocialClub9.

  However, as an accountant, I expected someone in a stiff suit with a stiff briefcase to shadow my every move around town today. I was mildly surprised to be enjoying my time with a casually eccentric and hilarious young man whom just happened to account for my various purchases and transactions.

  With his striking high cheekbones, long fanned eyelashes and exotic Indian eyes—Lourdes was like one of the girls.

  As we made our way throughout the mall, he told me that although he was born in Mumbai, India and partially raised in London, he’d met Flourish and PrimaDonna in Manhattan and was quick to pick up their lifestyle, as they partied and traveled together. It was this fabulous personality and appearance, which right now included a hot pink Polo shirt and plaid slim shorts, that completely contradicted his true occupation.

  Lourdes was just another reminder that I belonged to an organization that defied ordinary expectations.

  Besides, I should’ve known better anyway because only in Miami could you wear flip-flops while working as a number cruncher.

  As we made our way through the shops of Aventura Mall, Lourdes became my instant girlfriend slash assistant, as he lovingly demanded me to try on various linen casuals and other items that I would require for my new wardrobe. Although I welcomed him to call me Silk, Lourdes called me boss instead. He said that it made him sound like the naughty secretary and it was fitting to him, since he would be working in the new cigar club with me. Yes, Lourdes was the epitome of fabulous.

  After shopping for a couple of hours, I quickly understood why we went thirty minutes out the way to Aventura, because this mall had everything. And it was as if he knew where everything was in advance—Hugo Boss, Armani, Journey’s, XXI Forever, and last but not least, Adolfo Dominguez.

  Ordinarily this would’ve been torturous for me, because shopping was my least favorite activity, but Lourdes transformed the experience into an amusing adventure. He made me smile in every shop, as he had a way of influencing the cute retail clerks to flirt with me, whether they were bi-curious, straight, or anything in between, as I tried on the clothes. I never would’ve imagined having such a great time. And as Lourdes swiped the card for the last purchase, I felt a newfound sense of empowerment—I felt like a brand, new stallion.

  Lourdes and Flourish were now admiring one of the outfits, which showcased my fresh, new style. I’d decided to keep it on and their sounds of approval flashed me back from my own private deliberation of the day’s events.

  It seemed that since catching her breath and hydrating, Flourish had been re-invigorated and now was complimenting Lourdes on his fashion sense, as she scandalously stared at the new and improved version of me.

  I began to blush and tried to change the subject.

  “So how was your workout?” I asked.

  “Oh, it worked me in all the right places.” She flirted jokingly as she continued to stare at me.

  ”I could take another workout though.”

  Lourdes giggled. ”Flourish, you are too much!”

  Ignoring both of them I followed,” You know, Flourish, I’m used to gettin’ out and throwin’ the weights around. Maybe we can workout together sometime, huh?”

  “I would love to have you as a workout partner—especially since Lourdes breaks out in hives at the mere mention of exercise.”

  Lourdes said, "Uh-uh. That is just too much for me. I'll leave all of that to the stunt men and you professionals. It might detract from my girlish figure. Besides, I got a high metabolism anyway.”

  “We all would have a high metabolism if we fucked and sucked as much as you do,” Flourish added after taking a swig of water from her bottle.

  They both laughed hysterically.

  Lourdes finally said almost out of breath,” I guess you’re right, girl. There’s no denying that fact. I can’t help it. I’m beautiful and my style’s on fleek. All this must be shared—sharing is caring. So I make it my duty to give up the booty. Now, what kinds of smoothies do you both want?”

  We both said in unison while laughing, “Mango Madness!”

  We looked at each other in amazement, as I parked and Lourdes got out.

  He said,” Now that’s freaky…I guess I’ll have one of those, too.”

  “Oh yeah, Lourdes can you ask them to add coconut oil and another shot of protein in mine?”

  “No sweat, boss…”


  There was no place in the world like Miami. On Washington Avenue vendors were busy setting up and preparing for the club night. Cuban music blasted through loud speakers and international tourists zipped by on bright colored Vespa scooters. Subtle shades of pink, teal, yellow and bleached white buildings flooded my optical senses as I became submerged with the delight of being back home.

  While we waited, Flourish turned around with curiosity to see what else had been purchased, as I switched the playlist on my soundcloud.

  “So, Silk, where’s your bags? Are they in the back?”

  ”We took all the bags upstairs before we came and got you…since we had a little time leftover. But after dropping everything off at the penthouse, we picked up some turkey on wheat sandwiches from Café Del Mar for you to eat later—so you wouldn’t have to stop anywhere.”

  “Oh, Silk, thank you. That’s so sweet. Lourdes is such a doll. He didn't flirt with you too much, did he? You know that dude is trés fabergé.”

  “No, he didn't cross any lines AND he got the job done. I actually had a great time and he even treated me to lunch at the Grand Lux.”

  “I love that place! They have a great glazed Salmon.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I ate. I had to get some protein after that workout this morning. He had the Southwestern Salad.

  “Mmmh…yeah, that one’s good, too. I think Lourdes got a little crush on you already.” She added slyly. “He texted me while you guys we
re in one of the stores. He said if you were a guy he would’ve been all over you already.”

  “Yeah. Strangely enough, I get that a lot from gay men.”

  “I bet you do.” She said under her breath. “Did he get you the laptop and iPhone?”


  She clicked the precisely manicured nails of her thumb and middle finger together and directed, “Let me see the phone.”

  I took the chrome-plated phone out of the middle console, where it was charging, and handed it to her.

  “I'm placing all of your vital numbers in it. You can call me or Lourdes for anything and at any time of the day or night. Okay? If you need to reach PrimaDonna at any time, you can contact me and she will contact you. I’m passing your number on to her, so she can contact you whenever she needs. So if you see a private number, then it’s probably her. PrimaDonna is a very private person in the beginning, but over time when she gets to know you, she usually trusts you enough to give you her number.”

  I hope she opens up to me, in more ways than one. I thought to myself.

  After programming the phone and plugging it back into the charger, Flourish continued, “All jokes aside, Silk, you look very sexy. Lourdes did a great job.”

  “Yeah, when we took the bags up, I changed…especially after you smashed on my cargo shorts.”

  “Aww, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she said teasingly.

  I smiled.

  “Don't get me wrong. Cargo shorts are cool for the P.R.I.D.E. or for loungin' around. But these ladies expect a little bit more at our events.”

  “I guess cargos aren’t the moneymakers. I have to admit, I do feel like I’m dressed to make a million right now.”

  She leaned over and smelled the cologne that I had dabbed behind my ears.

  She cooed, “Mmh, Armani Code…baby blue Armani shirt…tan, grey and blue beach polo shorts and Sperry’s to match. Yeah, that color scheme really brings out those sterling grey eyes. I see he got you a Movado, too. Nice touch.”

  She scanned me like a ravenous wolf and I was on the menu as her mid-afternoon snack.

  I blushed privately.

  “Now you're REALLY suited and booted. You know you're gonna have to really get used to beautiful women gawking and staring at you. But something tells me you're already used to it.”

  I smiled," Who really ever gets used to it? I can only pretend to, which is what most people do when the spotlight’s on ‘em…right?"

  "True statement. I remember when we all started hanging out, I used to be the shyest one in the whole group.”

  “And now you’re a force to be reckoned with.”

  “Shut up, crazy.” She nudged me playfully. “Yeah, I’m a hurricane. But don’t get me wrong, underneath the surface I still have my moments.”

  “So Flourish DOES have a sensitive side?”

  “Hey you’re not supposed to know that. Don’t tell anyone, though.”

  “Or what you’ll have to kill me.”

  “Yep I’ll be forced to slay you.”

  She leaned in close. So close, I could feel the magnetism that‘d followed us from the flight the day before. So close that every inch of my being tingled with the remembrance and the want to taste those lips again.

  She felt it too, as we both locked eyes and began to lean in to each other.

  But the sound of the front door to the smoothie shop opening stopped us in our tracks.

  “Wow. I don’t know what it is about you, Silk. But you got me…”

  She shook her head and smiled to herself, as she settled back into her seat and took a swig from her water bottle.

  “Whoo, gurl that guy always tryin’ to get at me. He supersized all of our smoothies for free. I swear he’d give me the whole shop if he could.”

  Lourdes opened the door to the Cayenne and immediately began gossiping about the clerk who was hitting on him, while I could still see Flourish eyeing me out the side of my peripheral. Flourish wanted me bad and I didn’t mind acting out every single one of the fantasies that was probably running through her mind right about now.

  As I backed out of the parking space, the upbeat intro to “Corazon” came through the speakers faintly as it flipped forward on my playlist.

  "Boss, I love this song! Can you turn it up a little?” Lourdes squealed.

  He began to dance and sing in the back seat. I rolled down the windows a little more and headed down Washington towards our final stop for the day, which would be to the lavish condo that’d been provided to me.

  Flourish began to move her body to the beat and turned around to grab her smoothie and hand one to me, simultaneously. We all sipped our drinks in relief, as we could finally begin to wind down. This was a productive day and the night would be our reward.

  As we turned onto Ocean Drive, the sun was almost fully set. Salsa beats filled the air and vacationers were casually strolling down walkways and into sidewalk cafes. Sounds of Tito Puente and lively horns laced with cowbells, timbales and congas provided a spicy soundtrack to partially-clad beach bodies in bikinis. The traffic was not too heavy. But it was steady enough to slow to a lazy cruise and enjoy the ocean breeze with a picturesque horizon. The glimmer of the sunset’s red rays against the cool blue waves of the ocean became the backdrop for the dancing palm trees. Every day was easy breezy in Miami and this moment was the portrait of perfection that I’d been accustomed to.

  “So, boss, I talked your ear off all day about me but we never got to talk about your background.” Lourdes commented while sipping his smoothie with glee.

  “Well, mine isn’t as nearly as interesting as yours. My parents were kinda like new age hippies—Ganja smoking, art dealing cosmos. Books and art. Books and art. That was our thing. I remember before Art Basel blew all the way up, we used to host parties right around the corner.”

  “You mean those mansions on Alton.”

  “Yep. They might’ve been bohos, but they were great at what they did. We were the center of the art world here in Miami…before they passed on.”

  “Wow, that’s crazy. To loose both of your parents so young—it must’ve been hard on you at that age.”

  “Well, let’s just say I had to grow up pretty quickly. From then on, I was raised in Richmond Heights with my auntie Cher—my father’s younger sister. Now THAT was a totally opposite experience for me. Aunt Cher was the life of the lesbian community in Miami, despite our neighborhood being a rough area to live in during the time.”

  “Richmond Heights, huh?”

  “Yep. Southwest Dade County, ya heard. It’s been cleaned up a lot, but when I first got there, Aunt Cher had to put me on game…you know…cuz I had no idea of what it was to live in the hood back then. I was really naïve. But I learned quick. ‘Specially with the looney toons she always had around. And man could Aunt Cher throw a party. I mean, back then, it was going down and I was smack dab in the middle of it. But despite all that, she damn well made sure I got through school in one piece.”

  “Does your aunt still live here?" Lourdes asked.

  "My aunt caught a bullet that put her into a coma, at the end of my freshman year. She suffered brain damage.”

  "Oh, I'm so sorry, boss."

  "No need to be sorry. It was an accident that happened eons ago."

  “They say that everyone experiences a little bit of hell and a little bit of heaven to be able to fulfill their purpose here on earth—so I guess experiencing both sides of the tracks will give me a leg up on things in the long run.”

  “I can agree with that.” Flourish said between sips. ”I lived on the streets for a time, until my mom was hired as a housekeeper for PrimaDonna's family. Then I was fortunate for Prima’s mom to have the heart to enter me into private school in Manhattan when we were 13—since we were all so close. Prima and I’d been best friends ever since. Fourteen years later and we still can’t be separated.”

  “Ya’ll can’t be tamed either. Truth be told, you girls are just as raucus as y
ou were in secondary school and the New York rainbow social scene. Those were some wild times.”

  Lourdes and Flourish both giggled in private reminiscence.

  “Whole world knows I’da been lost without my blow.”

  “OMG! Lourdes, I didn't know you took powder that whole time!" Flourish eyed Lourdes in shock.

  "Bj’s, girl, bj’s. I had to suck off a lot of powerful men to get my ass over here AND make sure I kept a proper education. You lesbians ain't the only ones with secrets, you know.”

  They both laughed hysterically as we pulled up to the valet and tipped them to park the Cayenne in the underground parking.

  We said our good-byes to Lourdes and as he made his way to his beamer, Flourish turned to me and asked with a smile,” How about we go upstairs and see what else you guys got today?”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Flourish admired the luxury of the penthouse and collapsed onto the white fur shag area rug, as her body finally surrendered to the idea of winding down. I placed the smoothies and sandwiches in the fridge, while Flourish looked through the shopping bags that scattered the living room floor.

  “You know you can also order some other stuff to lounge around in once you get to the second location. When it comes to style, Lourdes just gets you going in the right direction. Then it’s up to you to take flight.”

  “Oh, I think I’m about ready to fly. He gave me some pointers that I can put to good use. I think he also got me over my fear of shopping. So I can get out there and get some of the essentials. Like real live workout gear. And maybe some socks that don’t involve tubes and stripes.”

  “Congrats. You’re no longer outdated. Welcome to the land of the living.”

  “Oh okay. You got more jokes. We got a regular comedian over here.”

  “Just kidding. Just kidding. But all jokes aside, don’t hesitate to give Lourdes a ring when you need something. Especially since he knows your clothing and shoe sizes now. Everything can be dropped off before we have to leave. He is more than an accountant, he is your assistant. He wants to be used.”